Saturday, August 6, 2011

Am i Psychic?!? Pwease Help!?

Ok so there has been ALOT of these "coincidences" that keep happening to me..... for ex. this one morning after i finished my make up i looked in the mirror said to myself(yes i talk to myself =3=") "Hey! now im ready for picture day!" then i giggled bcuz i was kidding. then i said "though, knowing me it probably is picture day...." i said that bcuz this is when i had already suspected i was psychic. (NOTE: i NEVER EVER looked at the school picture date. EVER.) when i got to school i walked to my friend, Audrey, and said hi. then she told me she was nervous. i asked her why and she told me "Its picture day! duhh!!" and i said "rly?" and i think u kno wat happens next (she told me of course) so i told her wat i said to myself this morning and what happened. Thats just ONE of the "coincidences" thats happened to me. Another: My Friend Audrey(( XD again)) was spending the night at my house. i turned the channel to music video channel thingy and they wer playing Britteny Spears music. Then Audrey asks "Whos that?" so shot a look at her and sarcastically said "Its Madonna!" she then said "Oh... but it looks like Britteny Spears.." looking more closely at the tv. "Dude!" i think she than realized i was kidding cuz she said "i know i know!". ok now the creepy part about this is that the next music vid they played was MADONNA! we both looked at each other speechless.....and creeped out. Ok there is ALOT more i would tell yew about this kinda stuff but im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too lazy!!!! =3=" but i will tell you that this happens at the very least twice a day!!!!!!!!!!! So what do you think am i??? bai

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