Friday, August 12, 2011

My diabetic boyfriend boyfriend wont take care of himself?!!??!!!?

My boyfriend and I are both 18 and have been dating for 2 years. is a type 1 diabetic he has had it ever since he was 11. he doesnt care that he has it. he hardly takes his insulin and he says he only takes it when he starts to feel dizzy. he has had a few diabetic seizures, been in a diabetic coma once and had diabetic ketoacidosis which are all potentially life threatening, either because he has taken too much insulin or too little, he eats whatever he wants like chocolate, cakes and biscuits and even drinks energy drinks full of sugar like lucozade. his doctor even told him that if he carried on like this he IS going to die! my boyfriend doest care though, he just says 'if it's my time to go then it's my times to go' it kills me inside because I love him so much and I cant lose him but he can be soo stubborn sometimes! what should I do!?!

What symptoms would an insulin resistant diabetic have if they totally stayed away from sugar?

Totally staying away from sugar is not enough. The problem is not sugar but ALL carbs as all carbs turn to sugar in the blood.

Can i become a police officer?

i am a 22 year old male with a high school diploma. i have a deformed right hand but am capable of shooting pistols, rifles, and shotguns with both hands. i have type 2 diabetes but do not need insulin or meds of it. i wear glasses but can see ok without them. i am in decent shape (i can do a 6 minute mile). i plead guilty to a first degree misdemeanor carrying a concealed weapon charge about a year ago. it was a bogus charge but i decided not to fight it since it was stressing my family too bad. i was open carrying my pistol as allowed by state law in ohio. oh and i have never done drugs in my live. and i worked as a security guard for 3 years.

Scammed on RuneScape.?

Well, I got scammed on RuneScape because I believed a person that doubles money. Of course, I gained their trust by giving them 1k and they returned 2k, then I gave them 42k and they logged. But it was okay, because I made that with one trip of yew logs. ANYWAYS, I was wondering how to make a quick 2m without.... 1. fighting anything 2. it has to be in f2p 3. No woodcutting (because of all the botters, I don't get many logs) THANKS, YOUR ANSWERS ARE APPRECIATED! ~

Help! My cat might have swallowed laundry detergent!?

I had sat down a bucket of water with laundry detergent and stain remover on the ground and I think she might have drank some, what do I do?! I tried ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center but they charge yew. Please help! I need fast answers!

How can i get big mixed 360 waves?

i am a black nd puerto rican 16 year out male. ma hair is wavey but when i brush it down it sticks back up, and my waves are small and theres alot of them. i want my hair to be soft,moist,wavey and easy to lay down, and i also want my waves spreaded out. can someone please yell me how i could get my hair to look like this i PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE!! THANK YEW

I want to put a patio in- how easy is it to relocate a leach field?

I have a deck off the back of my house and want to put a fire pit patio off of that- it is right where one of my leach beds for my septic system is located. I don't know if it is possible or wise to put it over the top of the leach bed or relocate it all together...

Subway restaurant wages?

It would be slightly less BUT if you are under 21 then you will not be earning the minimum wage anyway - youd only be earning a % of it. Min wage is what the ADULT wage is not children.

If you purchase a car with autotrader can you make payments?

I like a car on the website. It is for 2,000 without all the other charges including the license fee and all that other stuff. I was just wondering if it's possible to buy the car yet make payments on it. Instead of paying 2,000 flat out can I do monthly payments of 200 or less? Or even weekly payments? I live in MA and the dealership where the car is located is in NH.

Where can i get clomid in london without a prescription?

I have pcos and my Dr is being really hard on me about giving me treatment, i did everything that the asked me to do but now my partner lives in a different country were he was located due to work they are not giving me my treatment. I am going to be 28 next month and i have never been pregnant i really want to start my family.please help me

How do I become Harry Potter?

ok theres a ritual. you have to drink 1 x bottle of exiler known in the muggle world as vodka. then complete intercourse with 5 x guys and 10 x girls. after that you have to do a lap around your block naked. then BAME!!!!!!! you are harry potter. exept youll be harry potter # 2 as I am #1.

How do i delete Csrss.exe?

I ran a malwarebyte's anit-malware scan and i showed csrss.exe as a virus. i know that your if you delete it, your computer will get the blue screen of death. However, in the processes, there are two csrss.exe. The first one is located in system32 and the other is in the Appdata/local/temp folder. i tried to delete it but it would just reappear again. Does anyone know a way to delete this virus?

What is lifespan of person with Cirrhosis?

My husband was diagnosed almost 10 years ago. He will be turning 65, diagnosed with Hep C (15 yrs ago), still continues to drink alcohol on regular basis. Blood has platelet problems, he has diabetes (not insulin dependent), constant pain in his feet, minor confusion / memory loss, mood swings (irritable/mean) & some weight loss. He is stubborn & in denial in some ways, blames it all on diabetes. As his wife of 22 years I have sort of given up on trying to help since he won't help himself. I know he will only continue to get worse, he won't go to the Dr. for labs & follow up so I have no idea what stage he is at now. I am trying to figure out how long the deterioration process takes so I can "prepare" for what is to come and maybe when.

Why am i getting theese sick thoughts about killing my dad?

my dad has put my mum threw alot hes caused my family alot of trouble and im sick and tired of it, he has beaten me up pushed me down the staris we do alot for him but he throws it back in are faces. hes diabtes tpye 1 and he takes insulin needles however am getting theese thoughts in my head to double his dosage up to kill him. im aslo getting thoughts to get a knife and slice his throat. and other things im 16 btw. what do you think i should do is this normal? am i just upset and angry?

Weight loss help. Please.?

I am 25 years old and insulin dependent. I am trying to lose weight so that way I can feel better about myself and for my kids. I do weigh currently 206 lbs. I was 210. I want to lose at least 10 more pounds by September 1. I do walk where ever I go if it is a reasonable distance like to the doctors or other places. I do exercise when I have free time to myself. I want to know if there is any special work out that I could do to help me lose my baby weight. I am done having kids so I am not worried about trying to gain weight for that.

Will you read my poem, if you must?

hey, I am glad you found a pom and yew used yew's. lol :D Thunderstorms here all day and night, no time with sun. The tv and comp screen are emitting my light...

Why is there little to no medical progress in these 2 areas?

In 1942 there was renal hemodialysis which could save the lives of patients with endstage renal disease but only at the cost of utterly destroying their quality of life. The same situation obtains today. In 1922 there was insulin to treat diabetes, but the treatment dosing was onerous and dangerous, and no amount of precision obtainable could prevent neurological and vascular complications and premature death. The situation is still the same today.

What is the connection between death and the Yew Tree?

I was reading something about the yew tree and I think it said something about it being connected to death (and life/rebirth?) in a magical/mystical sense...I was wondering what that connection was

Is Anyone in Charlotte,NC currently hiring?

I know this isn't the typical question to be posting, but I'm desperate. I am located in Charlotte,NC and I am seeking employment in any type of field. I have lots of experience in everything. I have applied to everyone but people are only accepting apps and not hiring right now. I am about to lose my place of residence and my wife is having a baby in a few weeks so I need a job Help me I am really dependable and reliable I will work grocery, general labor positions, just no sales, roofing or commission jobs.

Does he like me, and what should i do?

there's this guy, errol, who goes to my school. he used to be in my art class, and was always joking around to me. once we even had a chalk fight, and i think he was flirting cause he brushed his chalky fingers against my lips. i have a huge crush on him, but i think he might genuinely like me. once art class ended and he's in gym, he used to meet me by the same water fountain before 7th hour every day, but then he stopped. recently he started again, and we have a great time in the little time we have. my school lets 8th graders do murals on the walls during lunch time at the end of the year, and i askedhim to help. he said yes and smiled. tomorrow he is supposed to help me but here is the issue: he is kind of a ladies man. he goes thru a lot of girlfriends, like he's had 7 this year. thing is, he never cheats on them and seems to actually care about them a lot. after a breakup he is sad for a few days, then inexplicably gets a new gf in like a week. he's super nice and funny, so of course all the girls he asks out say yes. for him, i believe they don't always like him enough, so that explains all the gf's. but now he is back with his ex, this girl alexzandra from another school, who says things on facebook on his wall such as "yew are amazing. i wuldnt change anythinqq bout u." and yes, the spelling is also quoted from her. when they first broke up, she was a total b*tch to him, saying whoo! to every sad thing he posted on fb, even if it had nothing to do with her. so im supposed to be alone with errol tomorrow in a rarely used hallway for our mural, and the way he acts has this sort of aura that he likes me. and i so wanna kiss him, plus there's a formal dance coming up in early june, and we could go out. on the other hand, he has a gf, and that would ruin any potential relationship to start like that. he tends to date a girl for a couple days to a couple weeks, but i don't know what to do.and i really hope he knows i like him, which is why im using his name in the hopes he'll read this eventually. i just feel like i like him enough that we could last longer, and if not i'd have the memory of a sweet first bf. should i wait for the breakup and hope its not too late, or tell him how i feel? or flirt and hope for the best? i don't wanna screw this up. i have liked him for a few months but its like no other crush i've had cause this time i spend every day thinking about him, whenever im not with my friends, or sometimes even then. i dont care if we date for 1 week, i dont care about all his exes, i just want to experience this with the one guy i trust and understand. please help me!

Looking for information on J. Klecka Dairy once located at 4957 S. Winchester in Chicago, IL?

I have a milk bottle with the Dairy name and address on it. I am formerly from that area and cannot remember any dairy in that neighborhood.

What contains gluten??

Ok so I'm a vegetarian and I can't eat gluten so can u give me a list of things that contain gluten Plz thank yew

Where can I sell my brand new Insulin pump?

It's brand new so it does not pose any health issues, and after trying to return it, i was told "not to worry about it" and it has just sat in a box since 2007. Like I said it's still new, i never used it and after getting it realized that pumping was something I could not commit to i tried to send it back but Medtronics refused to take it back. Anyway, its worth at least $5,500 and it would be a shame to just dump it when someone out there could use it! If I can't sell it does anybody know of a organization i can donate it too? Thanks!

Will drinking lots of water lower my blood glucose levels?

i had 2 pancakes and some bacon strips and my glucose levels are at 298. thats very high. my doctor hasnt prescribed insulin or anything and i cant go walking cuz i have 2 kids thati cant leave alone. please help im 35 weeks pregnant and i dont know what to do

I need help with this guy?

ight boo look , im 14 but ill be 15 in a week and a couple days but i still have been through the same thing, and ive learned if hes making an effort to talk to you saying he wants to be with you then apparently he wants to be in your life some way shape or form.. and the girl he was with after you guys were deaded was a rebound to get over you he just needed some bootymeat you know ? everyone goes through that so dont blame him. and from the looks of it , he does like you and hes not afriad to say so, i say give him another chance but just watch ya self and keep him on check <3 love always , Raquel :-*

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why is there little to no medical progress in these 3 areas.?

In 1922, 95% of diabetics died before reaching age 20. In 2011, 95% of diabetics die after 70. Insulin used to be taken from cows. Now we manufacture human insulin en masse from bacteria. I'm not sure where the "no progress" is coming from.

Help please its about UNC Pembroke?

Ok i have a question where is UNC Pembroke located at i know it in NC but where and do they have a good pre-med program? Please no rude or mean comments

How do I dispose of hazardous medical waste?

I am cleaning out a friend's house after her death. She had MRSA (flesh eating staph infection) in her bloodstream in 2007. She was on an insulin pump that administered 24 hour IV antibiotics for three months to treat her infection. Now what? I have looked online and only found a list of flush able prescription drugs...any ideas?

Drove through water and cant locate problem...?

Your battery terminal may have gotten wet and corroded. You can take off those leads and scrape the corrosion with a knife or file. Other likely culprits are the alternator terminal and grounding points, the alternator itself which may have been damaged from the water, the junction box with all the fuses and relays which are actually pretty sensitive, your distributor, or electrical grounds . Basically what you should do is estimate on the van how high the water came up to, and then look under the hood at what may have gotten wet. Whatever was near that water line, disconnect the connections and clean them, or replace them. If you live in a wet climate or anticipate doing this again, consider using a bunch of dialectic grease on those connections.

What do yew thinkk of me ?

i have a belly button piercingg ; a monroe piercingg ; a toungee piercingg ; 3 holes in bothh ears andd a bar at the top of my right ear . this is really for parents i am askingg if a parentt thinks this is wrong ?

Question about companies in general?

Does the term limited (ltd.) apply only to companies located outside of the U.S. in places such as England and Japan?

HELP ! Changing the rear spark plugs?

that looks like a nasty one. i believe that the intake plenum has to be pulled to get to the back three. once that is done, ut should be easier. i had as much fun on a 99 sienna doing the same thing. a tune up took me 7 hours because i was dealing with getting the intake out of the way and replacing valve cover gaskets.

Thinking about moving to LA with a family?

I'm an English guy currently living in China with my Chinese wife and 4 year old boy. I have been offered a job in LA. I don't know anything about LA or any of the cities or neighbourhoods. The office is located downtown on south hill street. Would it be worth moving with a salary level of $75,000? Where is a good place to live with a family that is convenient for the office? What kind of lifestyle could we expect? And finally what are the education options? Thanks.

How do I import my picture photograph from Photoshop into my Yahoo Profile picture area?

Was wondering how to import a photo of myself that is located in Photoshop program (because I was doing some touchups) into my Yahoo Profile where my photo image of myself should be? Wondering if anyone knew a fast technique or do I have to transfer it from Photoshop to another location before I can import it to Yahoo Profile? I was successful doing this in gmail but Yahoo seems to be a abit different or is it?

Does this count as losing your virginity.?

My boyfriend said that there was a time with an ex that she was completely naked, on top of him, and his dick was out. He claims she took his dick and thrusted onto it 2 or 3 time before he made her stop. He says he's still a virgin and it didn't count, but me and him did the same sort of thing where he only thrusted 2 or 3 times and pulled out, but he counts that as losing our virginity together... Thoughts?? Opinions?? Thank yew(: I'm not hung up on it just curious!(:

Are Dogs Allowed at This Beach?

I'm going to the beach and i wanna bring my dog. The name of the beach is President Beach. It's located in Long Branch, NJ. Plz Help!

What are the best night clubs in Montreal for the 18-21 crowd?

I'm in Montreal with some friends and we've been looking for a club with a young crowd, with people under 21. What are the best clubs that attract a young crowd, and what street are the best clubs for younger people located on?

How do I GET love handles? ASAP?

That's right I said GET love handles. I'm really skinny and I have a V shape under my stomach and I hate that too... I'm small, i know but I shouldn't have "V's"? So I think getting love handles will make them go away. :) thank yews.

Archery - What type of Wood should I use?!?

yew is one of the best wood for a bow. that is what the english used for there long bow. red oak is also one of the better. definitely go with the yew.

99 Fletching Question. HELP!?

Ok. So should I buy yews and cut them, then string them or buy maples and cut them, then don't string them? Maples are cheaper? which makes better money? Just need help, 85 fletching ATM

Can you please help me with a few of these biology questions?? :)?

1 is the cytoplasm. 2 is multi-celled organisms. 3 could be something like facial hair (you may want to double check that one). 4 both A and C are correct. 5 both B and D are correct.

Help please i need a job. I'm really really desprate please and i am only a 14 male.?

I'm pritty much desprate for a job, any job thats located in canberra (2615). Please yeah i really need your help. I can build and repair computers, and i can lift fairly heavy objects aswell,and can also clean pritty good. And much more but i may also need more then that. I'm just open to any job around Canberra. I dont care what it is if the pays ok. Like i'm only 14 and would work 10 hours a day if its what i had to do. Thanks.

Is it normal for me to be experiencing this at 21?

I am a 21 year old diabetic type 1 insulin dependent diabetic who is experiencing ED for the past 2 years and no actual ejacuation or "nut" when I were to masturbate. My doctor has put me on Cialis which I have taken with two different types of insulin Novilin 70/30 and Lantus. I need to know if my insulin is helping cause the ED as i have been a diabetic since the age of 7 and i went through puberty at age 13 and have had erections and ejaculations fine until these past 3 years. i have also noticed that i have been experienced a decrease in sex drive and weight. I've only been on the cialis 5mg, citalopram 20mg gernic for celexa, and Amitriptylin 25mg Gernic for Elavil i dont really notice a change except when i was taking the cialis which i got maybe 3 good erections in 30 days because of the Cialis but that was a free trial. Its very frustrating because my doctor doesnt really act like he cares about my situation. Im trying to change my diet drastically so i can get my blood sugars in check and im trying to exercise more but still no change in my erections. If there is anything anyone can tell me that can help i would greatly appreciate it.

If the three real zeros of a function f(x) are located at x = r, x = q, and x = p, determine (if possible) the?

Think about all the types of functions. Will multiplying a polynomial by a constant change its roots or just cause it to shrink? What about rational functions and trigonometric functions? Also, what sort of functions can have three roots at all? Exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, trigonometric?

Need speech topic quick?

Well you could talk about how how panda blood has been found to delay cancer, but since Pandas are endangered, PETA doesn't want them touched, or how diet soda gives you cancer (which if you have a panda you're all set)

Why did my dog have a seizure?

I have a 12 yr. old terrier mix. Found out like 6 months ago she has diabetes. I have to give her insulin two times a day every 12 hours, i give her 15 units each time, She started off with 6 units 6 months ago and it did no good cause she was still peeing (and drinking a ton of water) all over the house, so she finally got under control at 30 units total a day, which the vet said was totally fine, and also said she was capable of having seizures sometime down the road from the insulin; but she's been having 30 units a day every 12 hours for the last 3 months I would say, why would i come home randomly at 4 in the afternoon and find her having a seizure? (yes she's fine now, I called the vet freaking out not knowing what to do he said to put corn syrup on her gums and she should be fine which she was) cause she went from shaking horribly and not being able to stand up and laying on the ground with her head jerking back and fourth. I was scared horribly for her. That's my question.

Does this count as losing your virginity.?

My boyfriend said that there was a time with an ex that she was completely naked, on top of him, and his dick was out. He claims she took his dick and thrusted onto it 2 or 3 time before he made her stop. He says he's still a virgin and it didn't count, but me and him did the same sort of thing where he only thrusted 2 or 3 times and pulled out, but he counts that as losing our virginity together... Thoughts?? Opinions?? Thank yew(: I'm not hung up on it just curious!(:

Port-a-potties on Hiawatha Bike Trail?

The trail on the Idaho/Montana border? are there any? where are they located? Fifteen miles is a long way to go without one.

Help with man boobs???????

Aww! Dont feel bad! Its ok. Most girls will judge your personality, not looks. It doesn't bother me that you have a full chest. :)

What do you feel like during/after diabetes treatment?

So I think I have diabetes (yay -_-). I'm tired all the time, always hungry (after a buffet I'd be hungry in like an hour), blurry vision (got contacts), pee a lot, zone out a lot, and you get the idea. So I want to know: what happens during/after treatment. I don't really know how they treat diabetes, I know you start looking at your diet and they hop you up on insulin and such, but what happens then? Will I have more energy? I'm on an intense work out program (P90X) over the summer, will it affect that? Will I be able to keep exercising intensely like that? I'm currently pretty healthy: I'm 18, male, 160lbs, exercise 6 out of 7 days of the week, and eat better than the average teen. I used to be really fat tho, but I lost the weight like 2 years ago. WILL THAT WEIGHT COME BACK?! Oh, I'm gunna be pissed if it does, I read diabetes causes weight loss so it better not come back after treatment (-.-). Also I take Creatine Hydrochloride supplements for working out so will I still be able to use those? Oh, and will the symptoms disappear (hunger, fatigue etc..)? Thanks! :)

How do you get over a dying animal?

i lost my cat natasha to cancer in 2009, and now her brother tommy has really bad diabetes. his eyes are starting to get cataracts, and he cant feel his feet. he has been on the insulin for about 5 days and he looks better after it....but he is 15 years old....i don't want to lose him also. hes the brother i never had.

What do i do in this situation?

i am insulin resistant, borderline diabetes. ive been working out ALOT but today and yesterday i completely pigged out will it hurt me? ( by the way if i exercise can i still eat some sugar because i heard sugar doesnt give you diabetes?)

What do you think of my ART? [picture include]]?

Agree with amybeader not only is it a rip off and from IT, is in at least another 192 places across the web.

How long can cat go without insulin?

I'd say take him to a vet and ask him/her. If your cat needs insulin, he/she has a serious condition that should not be taken lightly. If you cannot afford to give your cat insulin, take him/her to a NICE pound-like place and they will take care of kitty's medical needs. I've had this issue, but I cared more about my cat's life than having her live with me because I couldn't afford to take care of her.

If not eating for a one week do yew think it will show anything? ?

I was that Weight when i was in the 8th grade and now im 21 and i weigh 120... this is what i did I completely stopped eating junk food! no fries no burgers no tacos you know the deal. I even stopped eating red meat. put ur mind into it bcus of u really want this trust me it will happen just like me. eat things with fiber check all the calories and fat on the food try a 700 calorie diet. just dont relapse bcus its easy to eat a Burger but its hard to lose 10 pounds go running and do a bunch of sit ups! dont drink soda or juice drink water the whole time ur on this diet. try eating a piece of chicken the size of ur palm and some brown rice a bit smaller than the chicken and lots of water. if u have a salad dont put dressing on it put some lime on it instead. b4 i didn't know but now i know that milk gets ppl heavy try not to drink too much milk or cereal if ur a milk drinker well one cup is like 140 calories so just b aware of all that trust me if u really want this and set ur mind to it you will lose weight! and if u have more questions please ask me good luck!!!

How can I get information on my relative?

Telus has a global phone directory for most of Canada. If the name isn't too common, you can find everyone with a land-line phone in Canada. You could also search for his first wife.

What do you want to ask about dogs?

My dog has diabetes and is now on 18 units of insulin a day. He started to urinate in the house and want to go out every hour. At the same time he was ravenous. Had a urine test done and the vet feels that some underlying infection/disease may be counteracting the insulin as his sugar was very high. He mentioned Cushings Disease, and I am beside myself. I know it would cost about $100. per week for the medication, plus his insulin. To find out exactly what is doing this would involve more testing. I am almost broke having spent hundreds of dollars on him. If he does have cushings I could not afford the meds, and would have to put him down. I don't know what to do-I am heartbroken. He is a Pom and almost 11 yrs. old. My only companion. Please help me. Thank you Bonnie email address

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

WHAT WOULD YEW DO??..................?

If you had a huge crush on someone for over a year, then he was sent away(sweetest cutest kid ever) for a full year he will be gone. Others asking you out who are cute and sweet...but u have the old guy in mind everyday and its been 4 months

Who invented insulin medicine and when and purpose of this medicine?

Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas. It is released when blood sugar is too high (when blood sugar is too low, glucogen is released). It was isolated in 1921-22 at the University of Toronto. The scientists involved in the research were Dr. Fredrick Banting, Charles Bes, Professor J. J. R. Macleod and Dr. James Collip.

Runescape: Willow, Oak, or Yews?

I am wc 90, but i have a problem. Willow, is currently what i am still cutting because it is fast and easy to get. I havent cut oak in a long time. I cant use yews because with the yews i can get at (Im not a Member), I only get like 7 logs an hour. Which one should i use, or any other suggestions? Would help out alot!

Amway nutrilite daily and other products useful for diabetic patient? mom(51 yrs) is an insulin dependent patient....takes insulin 3 times a other medication....also suffering from pain in legs especially near foot region..but doctor says theres no sign of diabetic neuropathy..may be its bcoz of some calcium,vitamin requirements?..i need to know that Amway Nutrilite Daily tablets are useful or not and can she take it?..are there any sideeffects of using nutrilite products like Daily,Protein powder ,Cal Mag D.....for her?..

Will attending a more prestigious university make it easier to find an out-of-state job after I graduate?

You can find job positions for college students and graduates with different degrees online thru this site -

Do long distant relationships work out well.....?

i like this guy, he likes me. Nhe told me on accident when i asked him to tell me who liked me in the class and he said 'sorry, i cant trust u cuz people aways say they wont tell and they do. besides, i dont wanna tell u who i like) hahah anyways, tomoro his cousin made an event called 'i luff yew day' that happens tomorrow and i plan on tellin him. Thing is i moved to Mesa with my Tia and he lives in Yuma (where i use to live with my dad)... its like a 4 hour drive and the only way to talk to him is on facebook... i dont know though because i dont see how long distance can work out. If they ever do I havent heard of it... help please.? :D

When insulin travels to the cells of the body, the concentration of what compound will elevate within the cell?

Insulin is a hormone that signals for the cells to absorb sugar from the bloodstream. This is why diabetics have a problem; when sugar is not absorbed by the bloodstream, the bloodsugar level can become too high, which can damage organs and cause many problems. So, insulin will increase the level of glucose C6H12O6 within the cells. This is assuming the person doesn't have type 2 diabetes.

That me see if I understand this now?

they sell something at the pharmacy called ketostix. You pee on the stick and follow the directions on the length of time to wait for the results. Yes it could be bad if you have a lot of ketones. Talk to your doctor about this.

I got on the insulin pump and my sugars are still high how long does it take to get control?

I echo all of the people who are suggesting that you call in your sugars either to your physician, diabetes nurse, or nurse practitioner. It will take a couple of weeks to work out all of the kinks with you new pump, however, the faster you get this figured out, the more comfortable you will be -- so call in your sugars daily! If you are constantly running high, it sounds like you may not be receiving enough basal -- therefore, you could increase your basal by 10% -- try this out for a day, see what your sugars do, and increase another 10% if necessary. Also, you will need to be able to recognize trends on a daily basis, so you should be recording your blood sugars every time you check. That way, if you see that you are consistently running high before lunch, you can address your food dose or corrective dose at breakfast. Make sure, especially since you are on a pump, that you are testing for ketones when your BS is >250 mg/dL -- you want to make sure that your pump isn't occluded, etc. -- since you are using only rapid acting insulin in your pump, if your pump becomes occluded, it is only a matter of hours before you become very sick.

How many bottles of novolog are offered on Medicaid in Georgia for a 10 year old?

I accidentally broke my brother's insulin bottle because it slipped out of my hand. We had two other bottles so I opened another one.

How do I add .mp4 files to my Windows Media Player video library?

I am able to play .mp4 videos on my WMP with no problem. However, I want to share the .mp4 files on my PS3, but whenever I try to add the videos to my library, it just shows up in "Other Media" so my PS3 cannot locate the videos.

Help with school presentation?

For school, I have to give a presentation of what I think is beautiful. Not in a person kind of beautiful. Like what I think is beautiful and I have to give either a definition or a power point slide show but I don't know what to do! I don't really know how to describe beautiful if I do a definition and I don't know what to do in a slide show. I know what I think is beautiful like (sunsets, flowers, lanscapes, waterfalls) and different things like that but I don't why I think their beautiful. yeah cause the color is pretty and stuff but I need something very specific! Please help?! Thank yew! :D

Runescape Question about botting?

Ok so i've been trying to decide whether or not to try Epicbot which everyone is using now. I have a main account but i'm going to make a new account and woodcut on it then transfer the cash to my main. After doing some math once i start yews, i'll make 28m when i hit 99. but i'm scared that i'll get banned and if i do will i get ip banned?

What are good items to high alch in runescape?

I've looked it up online and it seems that all the items that cause an increase or little to no loss in money are all practically unobtainable unless you make them yourself. What I am wondering is are there any items you can high alch that ARE easily obtainable through the GE or easier to make than yew longbows?

What can you do to subtly let guys know you're interested in them?

I hate to say it but most guys aren't very attentive. If you wan't to let us know you're interested the "OMG I'M LIEK IN LUV WIT YEW" is probably your best bet.

City in spain need help locating?

Has anyone heard of Ustedes,Spain or a city close to that grandma says that my familys from this city in spain but i cant locate it on a map.anyone have a idea?

What should I name my new pet Parakeet.?

I just got a parakeet today, and I can't decide what to name it.I also have no idea if it is a male or a female. It has a white head with black zebraish lines on it. (it is still the head) The tail up to half way up his stomach. His wings are the same as his head. He also have these dots that are around his beak. And of course, his beak is orange. Thank yew!!(: (Also I know you can kind of tell what the gender of it is by he nose, but its still a baby. Its kind of hard to tell the color of it. It looks like a blend of pink and really light blue.)

Do you thinking raising my dogs water bowl will help?

i have an 8yr old carine terrie male. lately when he drinks water from a bowl located on the floor when he gets done he gags and somtimes some clear gunk comes out. i am pretty sure thats just spit he is otherwise a happy healthy little dog.i am just wondering if anyone else had this issue and if raising the bowl helped. when he goes for walks he does have a harness so he is not pulling on his throat thanks

Whatt Aree Good Websites To Get Algebra 1 Answers ,,?

i Have A Take Home Quiz ,So i Need to To Gett All Answers Correct In Order To Pass My Summer School Coarsee.! Any Websites Yew Kno Of To Get Algebra 1 Answerss .?

Where are the hold down bolts on my cylinder head?

I have a 1993 Pontiac sunbird. I have removed everything but the head to fix a head gasket. I still have to remove the throttle body behind the head. I was just wondering where are the hold down bolts located to undo so I can lift the head out of there.

I need some help with this?

I want to know if anyone can tell me about business grants? If so can you tell me where to find good grant writers,and if they are located in Florida

Is this a girl reppelent? 10 points easy!?

Well I'm going to high school for my tenth grade I didn't go in 9th because I was homeschooled so I'm like in a phase were I like to dress al black I have the misfits patch on my jansport I took the jansport thingy out and I vae three voodoo doll keychains tew on my backpack one on my psp I fall in luv wif every emo girl I c but I don't wanna b creepy do yew think this is a chick reppelant? or will emo chick liek? it also girls think I'm cute but I haven't relly worn wat I want bcus my mom says I'm weird and to b normal wen I'm wif her so I dress all black and whiye n purple sorry for mispelled words I don't have a qwerty phone also girls think I'm nice n sweet n funny so ya

What is the best way too lose weight?

my husband is overweight and has diabetes. he don't eat pies or cakes etc, he drinks diet soda drinks alot of black coffee he walks alot we have an upstair apartment very high up there about 20 steps he climbs up and down them many times a day yet he is still over weight he weighs over 300lbs for 3 years he eats meats, potatoes and veggies and salads we can walk up to 3 miles yet his weight stays he is on insulin and metformin for his diabetes. he is on other meds for mental health problems. and on meds for high bloodpressure i need advice on what i can do too get his weight down thank you.

If the three real zeros of a function f(x) are located at x = r, x = q, and x = p, determine (if possible) the?

Let g(x) = f(x-5). At x=5+r, we have g(x) = g(5+r) = f(5+r - 5) = f(r) = 0, so 5+r is a root. That should be more than enough of a hint, if I've interpreted your question correctly.

Runescape - do willow trees give me more exp than yews ?

No, but they will help you earn experience points at a much faster rate. Basically, willow logs have less exp points, but they are easier to cut down. Yew logs give you good money and good exp, but it takes time to cut down a log.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Electric Field Question?

Four point charges each have a value of 3 C and are all located at the corners of an square of side 1 m (one charge per corner). Find the electric field at the center of the square.

Was ipecac discontinued?

i went to cv today and they said it was discontinued. does anyone know where i can get it? and dont start with the "omgz its so bad 4 yew" shut up i already know, i just really need it. thanks.

When you are diabetic, do you have to take insulin when you eat a light snack?

I am pretty new to this diabetic thing. I am type 1. I was just confused if I had to take insulin for little snacks. For instance I just had a little bag of peanuts that has 11g of carbs. Is that negligible or should I take some?

Servey ~~ R yew A relly gud speller or nott?

Yep, I can spell the words I need to and do it right. Spell checker doesn't know what I want to say and like your poem, it will give us wrong spellings because they are words, but the spell checker doesn't know the meaning your trying to impart on the reader...

I have a question about the grading system...?

That all depends..there are many variable which you failed to mention: are any of the courses weighted? Were some courses semester courses or were they entire year courses?

Is there such a thing as an external syringe autoinjector?

Hi all, my gf has a clotting condition in which she needs to take anticoagulant medication daily by injection, similar to a diabetic injecting insulin. The problem is she hates needles and sticking herself daily sucks, so most of the time I have to do it for her. But I am going to be leaving town for a couple of weeks on business and she is going to have to do the daily injections herself and she hates it. My question is is there a product out now that makes it easier to correctly inject yourself? I have seen some tube-like needle holders and protection jackets for diabetic syringes, but since the meds already come in a pre-loaded syringe with a square plastic plunger lock surrounding it to ensure it can only be used once, I don;t think that will work. I was hoping for something similar in function to a caulking gun for a syringe, where you insert the syringe as a cartridge, it lines up on your skin via a pre-shaped guard already built in and all you have to do is squeeze the handle to inject yourself. Is there anything like that?

What does this monologue mean?

I suck at Shakespeare, but go to No Fear Shakespeare (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and find the monologue, they have a side-by-side Shakespeare to modern English that is very handy :)

Subject: admiralty court?

who makes up the admiralty court? where is it located? where is their jurisdiction? what did Jim Johnson do to be jailed? what recourse does Johnson have?

(exocytosis OR endocytosis) transports of insulin and cholesterol into animal cells?

Endocytosis because this is the process in which the cell takes in items that are outside the cell. In exocytosis you have the cell releasing molecules to be taken in by another cell.

What happens if the body stops producing insulin?

Its the same thing that happens if a type 1 diabetic stops taking their insulin. Their blood sugars start to increase. First symptoms they get are lethargy, increased hunger, increased thirst and increased urination. If left unchecked, their blood sugars continue to rise. They then go into a state called Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). This is when the body, not being able to use its glucose stores, starts to produce ketones from stored fat. Symptoms at this stage include; vomiting, gasping breaths, confusion and abdominal pain. Typically by this stage, they are also significantly dehydrated. DKA is a medical emergency. If left untreated it can result in coma, and ultimately, death.

My Mom have an ngo and i now i wud like to continue working with her .Our ngo is 10 years old and i want a new?

and attractive project to work on.. hv given number of trainigs but tis tym i want something which shud be unique and the ladies shud get a chance to sell things made by them and earn gud my ngo is located in uttarakhand so the handamde crafts are very common i want to do something relly tat the poor housewives cud earn..its truely bcoz i want alot of blessings and true believe in feminisim.. plz suggest me some gud gud trainings tat i can put infront of government.

Type 1 diabetic, going to Canada's Wonderland tomorrow, with insulin pump... HELP!?

I have an insulin pump (Animas 2020) and will be going to Canada's wonderland tomorrow. I've been told not to go on certain rides with my pump on. Does anybody have any advice for this? Are there lockers somewhere so I can disconnect and put the pump there temporarily, then quickly get it to put back on so I can eat? HELP!

Runescape woodcutting from 75-99?

Yews is pretty decent cash (don't know exactly) But around 90 I would go for the Magics helps with money a bit and not so slow by 90!

How do I change my YouTube video from private to public?

Go to the video, on the top of the video it says "Edit Video Settings", then click on "settings" once you are on the video settings, and then select the privacy settings from there.

I have high blood sugar and I'm producing too much insulin, what foods should I avoid?

I'm going away to a camp for a week and I need to know what foods I should avoid and what foods I should eat. If you have a list or a general idea please let me know! I'm at high risk for diabetes.

Poll : True or False !?

True. Why spell incorrectly or use all those unnecessary symbols, if you don't have to. It doesn't really benefit the reader.

My diabetic dog does not like getting insulin injections? help please??!!!?

A Basket Muzzle would be fine. Also, ask your Vet if you can give the insulin in drops form down his throat.

Should a 15 Year old be able to date a 20 year old?

wellmy name is marie and im 15 and im dating a girl tht is 20 years old and we are in love but itz very difficult bekuz her mom nd my mom dont approve of it wll at first our momz were kool with me nd her hanging out until she tried to over dose because they tried to keep us from seeing each other about three weeks now we do what ever it takes to see each other nd if yew knew how we felt about each other yew would do anything yea...thnx for yewr help (:

I am located abroad, but I was a witness to several crimes commited by a man....?

Не ваше дело. Постарайтесь не обращать внимания (хотя чисто по-человечески это непросто).

How to create interactive map?

what are the softwares to create ur own map like the google map??? i want to create map to locate equipment in an area?? TQ

What to do when your boyfriend puts "I Love Yew" on pic of a girl you don't know?

Me and my bf had been dating for 2 years before we just broke up over this, but i was just wondering what other people would've done in this situation. My boyfriend does a lot of online chatting, which I don't like, but still allow because it showed that I was willing to trust him. But recently he's been chatting with this girl whom he listed as one of his "special someone's" along with me on his profile page. I decided not to worry about that because he always puts his friends in that box with me. But then I found a pic that he edited of the same girl, and he had put the words "I Love You" on the pic. I got really pissed and went off on him, asking if he was cheating on me because he had cheated on me in a similar way a year ago. But instead of answering me, he went off on me telling me that he was sick of being accused of things he hasn't done. He was sick of me not trusting him anymore because of what happened a year ago, and he broke up with me. My question is: What is your opinion of this complex situation? What would you have done when you found this pic? Do you think this is serious enough that we shouldn't get back together? If I wanted to fix our relationship, what's the best way to do that under these circumstances? PLZ HELP! :(

Monday, August 8, 2011

I need help with Hair Extentions?

Now , I don't know anything about clip-on's but i know about hair Hair Extentions. Anyways the best hair out there that is reasonable prices is A hair brand called Remy. That hair is 100% human and can be used again. Google it. The hair from Indian people. It comes in different color and styles. It ranges from 50 to 500 dollars.

Hope for women trying to conceive/early pregnancy symptoms?

I'll have to suggest Clomid to my friend. She has been trying since last year and was diagnosed with PCOS. Congrats to you!! :)

Whatever happened to Micheal Yew in Percy Jackson?

His body was never found, do you think Carter Kane and his lot fished him out of the east river and are holding him as a hostage? I think we should pay the Kane's a visit and demand to search the Brooklyn House for a sign of Micheal. It's not as though we will steal anything while we are there...we are simply looking for Micheal *Sly grin*

Hiperinsulinemia and Type 1 diabetes?

I have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes about six years ago and I've been using insulin injection treatmentever since. Recently I've realized I can handle some glucose pretty well without any insulin injections. So I did a few blood tests. The results were not what I expected. The figures indicated Hiperinsulinemia (the tests were made at a time when I have had no insulin injections for 14 hours). Then a glucose tolerance test showed some quite good results (91.5% of the glucose given to me was absorbed into the cells within 2 hours). I really need some advice about what I should do now. My friends suggest that I should consult my doctor and that I might have type 2 diabetes instead of what I've been diagnosed with. Please give any thoughts on the situation. Thank you. I am sorry for my terrible english.

Is Boondocks really an anime?

No, its not. Though the art style was defiantly inspired by anime (that happening a lot of late) it was produced in America with english as its original language. To be an anime, it would have had to have originally been made in japan with a japanese language track as its original.

I have a ball of painful gum tissue does anybody know?

sorry for bad title grammar. I have a ball of gum tissue on my wisdom tooth on the bottom left side of my jaw. its about the size of a small bean. Its a little painful left alone and very painful when pressure is applied to it. Its located on the right wall my wisdom tooth which is all the way at the back of my jaw. I cant even put my teeth together to smile cause it's in the way. Anyone know what it's called?

Runescape coming to an end?

This is because after free trade was removed in the first place, they decided to put the grand exchange in. Items use to actually be a lot street price before any of the two things happened. Now that we have a ge aandddddd free trade there is no reason for prices to be high. It sucks though because rares are going through the roof and all the items we sell to get those are going through the ground. Rs economy is horribe especially because of botters, and what does rs do to stop bots? Nothing...they just reset their stats and they bot over and over and over again giving cash to their mains. Also RWT is allowing many people to gain money and items that havent been in the market for a while now, now that those items are being givin away by sites, all that money over billions is now affecting our trade. So many people are gaining access to cash simply by paying 20$ for 18m etc. Bandos is crashing horribly and many bots are camping bandos...everything is horrible.

How many grams of Whey Protein should i take daily?

Take it twice a day , take it once post workout and again at some other opportune time throughout the day like when you first wake up , pre workout etc

Is this girl a slut?10 points?

Alrite so my friend she already has a boyfriend for like a year now he's a year older so he graduated and he doesn't go to hi scool rite and as soon as he stoped going out she had a bf in school but she also has a bf outside of school meaning she has tew bf is she a slut and I also hear she's relly nasty like sucks yew no what after school is that a slut tew u? She has tew bf and sucks yew kno what after school idk because if one persons says yes ima tell her what I think I'm relly sorry for mispelled words I have a phone wifout a qwerty keybord so I have to dial the #s

Looking for the phone number of allure bridals, i am located in the USA, and not sure where its manufactured?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is the insulin made in my pancreas humalin n or r?

Humulin R, or regular insulin would be most similar to the insulin produced by your pancreas. Humulin N has been artificially designed to last many hours longer than R. Generally about 12-18 hours.

Some hair coloring ideas?

red and brown would be good at the ends or you could get dark blonde or light brown highlights that would look very good...

Cutting yews in runescape?

On member worlds is there a significant difference in the amount of ppl cutting down yews near the G.E and edgeville. And are the other member spots busy or not?

What are some good undiscovered artists on facebook/youtube?

Okay I know some good undiscovered(ish) artists that are on facebook and youtube like CatcingYourClouds, PleaseSayYes, and Tim Hatten...they are really good, but you know there not like huge and on the radio and stuff- like PleaseSayYes just does covers and they're really good, and CatchingYourClouds has an EP on itunes that does well, and Tim Hatten has 2 songs and also some covers. Do you know anymore artists like this? :) thank yew, (PS: i like just about anything except rap lol)

Runescape - Will this give me a profit?

If you craft everything yourself; cut 2k yews, string the yews, mine 2k pure essence, craft 2k nature runes, then high alch all 2k of those, you'll get around 1.4m. It'll take you a week and a half to two weeks, though. My brother did that for a long time; he was able to buy a santa hat when they were 30m.

I bough linkys wifi router cisco as known as too.. Anyway I don't have Internet but can I still?

Get wifi around the house without Internet or do I need Internet and where's is the wep key located is it in the router sticker I kept putting all the numbers I see but won't unlock the password please help me guys thank u

What is a good website to get free samples?

I looked on Bigspot (my mother got a free soap samples a long time ago from there) and I can't find anything. Please don't list a website that is full of viruses. :( Thank yew!!(:


Ok so me and my friend hacked this mean girls account and started talking wierd stuff to her crush but told him it was us. So now i deleted the chat thing and message thing but whenever he messages her or she messages him she can read all the messages and will be able to tell it was us:( so I was wondering if there is any possible way to delete them FOREVER?!?! plese help . Shanks Yew:)

Du yew luv to correct people's grammar?

No i dont give a **** enless i dont understand it than i do i never put punctuation on my answers ir questions because i understang it and i can understand when people write like that its easy lol and i dont give a **** wat ppl think

Our renters are demanding we finish an unfinshed basement do we have to?

We are in Nv. We are currently renting out our old home it has 3 bedrooms upstairs, and 2 full bathrooms. Downstairs is a unfinished 1/2 bath it does a a functioning sink and toilet, there is no sheet rock. The water heater and the furnace are both located in the bathroom. They are claiming it is a health and safety issue and are threatening to sue if not fixed. There is 2 finished bedrooms and a family room downstairs as well. We had propane installed in the home to help with the heating bills and needed to leave a small portion of the ceiling unfinished to accomadate the new materials needed to bring in propane heat. They also want that fixed. The home was built in 1974-75. When we bought the homw 6/7 years ago the basement had nothing we added carpet, sheetrock, and the ceiling but moved before the bathroom and the ceiling got fininshed. They want all this fixed within 14 days of the letter with their 10 demands met or they are threating to withhold rent, repair and deduct the cost to fix it to their specifications, which leaves us paying the rent, terminate their agreement or sue us. We are using a property manag er to handle the property and we have agreed that termination would be best for all, well except for the tenants they want everything up to current building codes which will cost us financial hardship. Are we required to do any of their demands? Any advice would help! Please and thank you.

Question about a paper I'm writing for my ETHICS class? Please help ASAP?

I would physically go to the university library and search for articles in the Abstracts - Reference Section. The librarian should be of great help.

Somebody knows this music video?

I'm searching for a music video located in a gym in which musical instruments appear progressively in the end as they begin to play. Please help me!

MW 2 Prestige 10th Hack Xbox 360 Plz Help!?

So umm. is there anybody out there that can till hack prestige 10- mw 2 for me (or tell me how to do it?).Everybody plays blackops now so i figured i might as well hack(so plz dont tell me to level up myself & stuff) it I have an xbox 360 and my gamertag is ixAwEsOmE. 5 stars if you help me out.Thank yew in advance :D

Who do you like most?

Among these political leaders, please rank them according to who you like most. Barak Obama, Ehud Barak, Chavez, Muammar Gadaffi, Dato Seri Najib, Lee Kwan Yew, Osama Laden

What is the best way to get dragon platebody on runescape and very easy?

i want to get a dragon platebody, but i dont want it to be hard. You know? any way i have 99 wc that might help but lots of bots on magics and yews. So i want to know how to get a dragon platebody fast and easy, and also how long will it take.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is buying a condo a good investment?

my combined salary and investments might allow me to buy a condo. are they good investments? would it make any difference in value if it's located by the beach/ocean?

Is it uncommon not to hear anything after a home inspection?

After our home being on the market for quite some time, we finally got an offer. We are under contract and the buyers had 10 days to schedule a home inspection, which they did and that was done on day 9. The contact states they have three days to contact the sellers (us) and inform them of their decision. It does not state business days or actual days. I just feel like if everything was okay, we would have heard something by now (the home inspections was on Thursday it is now Saturday.) It is also a holiday weekend... Anyone who has ever been through selling a home care to share your experience? We are located in Ohio.

Does anyone know where I can buy the original Ruby Buttons doll please?

The original dolls were made by two different companies in the 1980's, the Horsman company and Anker toys. My sister and I had Ruby and Violet Pickles but over the years they have been mislaid and I have located a Violet on ebay but cannot find Ruby anywhere and am desperate. Can anyone help please?

Range of fasting and random glucose levels?

I was diagnosed type 2 last year and had to control it with my diet but last weeks fasting blood test result was 10.2 and the doctor has now started me on Metformin to control it. Anything above 9 needs medication. Your strips mean fasting result should be as level 1 which is normal and level 2 means medication needed and these numbers are very high and anything at 19 needs hospital attention urgently. Hope this helps but you might find out more from the diabetic websites. Good Luck.

Insulin pump question?

I have diabetes and I am on the insulin pump with the clip you clip onto your pants but when I wear stuf it ends up bulgy and I am not ready to tell people about his right now so what do I do to prevent the bulginess? Any ideas? And I HATE the pouch

How can i stop mobilespy?

Is there any way to stop mobilespy from getting your texts? Can you locate the program installed on your phone and delete it or somehow delete your text history because I know that mobilespy somehow still gets the old deleted ones :P Btw im on the droid x and im a root user.

Do i share my ip address with other people?

If you had a static IP address you would certainly know it, because you have had to request it from your ISP and pay extra for it.

Define Diabetes: I need help with an online class.?

A.-- a disease in which the body produces and/or uses insulin in an ineffective manner, causing a high level of glucose(sugar) in the blood.

Can u survive a broken neck?

Well, my boyfriend broke his neck in a car accident. Hes in the hospital, and hes still alive, its possible he might die though.. My friend says: if yew broke yur neck that would mean you completely detached your head from your body so that would mean his head is not attached to his body, so he probably didnt break his neck. But apparently hes still alive?? Im really confused, so is it possible to survive a broken neck? and how is it possible?

Where is the best site to sell cars in the Philippines?

I've tried & I reside in Davao city & my units are also located here.

I have forgotten my ppf account number?

I have forgotten my ppf account number. Is there ant site where I may access or who may I approach to assist me locate my ppf number?

I really would like a love triangle anime with romance n comedy n magic?

Okay! :) I'll tell you the anime and the love triangle characters :). First there is NANA. Fantastic anime! The love triangle is between an ordinary cute country girl and two rockstars :). The next one is Peach Girl. It's and OKAY anime. VERY dramatic. The love triangle is with a swimmer girl, a caring boy, and a playboy (it's a guy xD). And lastly, there's Fruits Basket :) The love triangle is between an ordinary girl and two boys with a curse of the Zodiac. :D I hope you watch them :D

I have a tender spot next to my right hip on the inside. What could it be?

It's not really painful, just when I touch it, it kind of feels like a bruise. It's more annoying than anything else. I have no other symptoms, no nausea or anything like that. I just had my mirena iud removed 2 days ago & am now on the nuva-ring & the pain started after leaving the drs office. I'm thinking that maybe my doctor pushed down too hard during the exam & bruised me under my skin but I'm just trying to get insight from others. My biggest fear is that it could be my appendix, but I think the spot is located too far down to be my appendix. Thanks in advance for your input :)

Is it true that foreigners know more about French history than French people do?

They know what Libri affair was (l'affaire Libri), and who Leonora "Galigai" Dori was, and all about Yvain, le Chevalier au Lion, and Mme de Pompadour going to a yew ball as a shepherdess, and French people do not have a clue?

Chemistry question please help!?

there are three disulfide bridges which locks in qite a bit of the structure - the rest is hydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions

Girls name, Ula -- Yay or Nay, why?

Hi! I am sorting through baby names as well. I am so sorry but I would say Nay. I love the meaning, but it when i heard it, it just didnt have the sound associated with gem. Im full irish and have been pondering my cultures names.. the only female name I have come across that i really like so far is McKenna Rose...

Can I ride my horse in an unused field?

Would I be able to enter a field if it is located next to a bridleway and has no gates or signs indicating that it is private land or otherwise? There are no crops or animals in it and it doesn't appear to have any use as it is overgrown and has been that way for a while now! Just wondering whether I would be allowed to go in it?

Went to the ER last week because..?

I am around 6 weeks pregnant, well will be in the next few days, about a week ago i went into the ER because i was cramping and had spotting (it was not severe just scared me because i had no spotting with my daughter) anyways they did an HCG test which came back nearly double from the labs my OB had done on me a day and half previous, and the Ultrasound located my Gesational sac in the right spot and measuring close to 5 weeks(which was correct) what I am wondering is that all they usually see on a scan that early. With my daughter i did not get an US until i was nearly 9 weeks.

Is there any way that Taxol can be obtained while protecting the Pacific Yew Tree?

I've engineered some Taxol using cream of tartar and some pond algae. My method protects the Pacific Yew Tree and is being patented.

Swollen feet at 37 weeks pregnant?

I was told I had gestational diabeties at 28 weeks pregnant, I have to check my levels 7 times a day. Last week I was told that the tummy on the baby was still huge (even tho all I ate was salads and great fruit and veg) and I would have to inject insulin twice a day, since then my feet have swollen twice the size and i was wondring I'd it was to do with the insulin. Please help

Giving an insulin dose of 60.0mg at a concentration of 10.0mg/mL, how many milliliters do you give a patient.?

If you are administering an insulin dose of 60.0 mg from a bottle at a concentration of 10.0 mg/mL , how many milliliters of the solution do you need to give the patient?

Why is modern medicine so backwards?

g'day, as a scientist in training, my opinion as well as that of my class and lect. is that medicine is just an on going experiment, as we continue to learn how the human body functions to various treaments to illness. basically we have come along way in medical science in the past 100yrs and accelerating exponential due to research and tech possibilities. hopes this answers ur Q

Y do yew guyz have 2 make fun of us blonds sooo much?!?!?

Okay yew ppl. Not all blondes r dum!!!!! It just so happens at skool i have a 3.2 grade avrage!! If yew dont think thats smart then idk what is!!! IM A BLOND AND IM NOT DUM LYK YEW PPL THINK!!!!! So my question is......... Why do yew guys make funn of blonds sooo much?!?!? It's not even funnie!!

I'm bored and I'm the only one awake in my house. Best answer 10 points?

It's like 4 AM here and nobody is awake but me. What are some fun things to do that are quiet, and time consuming? (Not sleeping, masturbating, or cleaning something.) I'll give the best answer 5 stars (which is 10 points). Thank YEW.

I was recently diagnosed with diabetes and I have some questions for other diabetics?

I haven't yet had an appointment to talk to my doctor about it, so I'm not sure what action will be taken as far as insulin and stuff goes (for those wondering I have cystic fibrosis related diabetes, so it isn't really type 1 or type 2) but I was wondering if some people who are diabetic (whether it be type 1 or 2 ) could tell me their diets and type/amount of insulin they take?

Would this put u in a mental institution?

This girl I know and went to school with, all of a sudden disappeared. Everyone said she was but in the mental institution because she is diabetic, the kind were you check it all the time and need and insulin machine. So they say she was not taking care of it and ended up in the hospital. I know over the last year she had been in the Hospital several times for her diabetes, but that's all I know. Well not 6 months later she says shes out, but never specified were she was.(can't blame her). But do you think this would land you there? If so out of curiosity but kind of stuff are you allowed in your room, because is that considered suicide?

Why is insulin resistance imoprtant?

This determines how insulin will take effect in your body. Some people need more insulin to bring their sugars down while others only need a small amount. It is all about how well your body responds to insulin and subsequently takes up the sugar floating in your blood -- insulin resistance determines this.

Can the hospital change medical records?

Last april my dad was admitted into the hosptial because of his diabeties. While in the hospital he became unconcious and lost oxygen to his brain and went into a coma. It was said that the nurse gave his too much insulin (which she admitted, but later on denied). Once my dad woke up he had severe brain damage and stayed in the hospital for over 7 months. When the nurses thought he was getting better they moved him out of ICU and into a regular room where he was suppose to be watched 24/7. However, while up there he had a stroke and was sent back to ICU.Also, I believe he had staff. HIs stroke was so severe that it caused his organs to slowly shut down. He passes away oct.29. So , now my family wants to pursue a lawsuit aganist the hospital but we were wondering if the hospital could some how change his medical records to cover themselves so they won't lose the lawsuit.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What is the Best Foot Massager?

My mom is suffering from pain in the foot. She also says that at night her legs go restless and sometimes she feels a loss of sensation. She is an insulin taking patient. I often see her at night pressing her own feet. I really want to get her a foot massager that helps. Can someone please suggest something.

How can i be successful in my career?

You are making generalizations about people that are just not fair. Not everyone thinks how you claim. You need to prepare yourself and speak with someone in management as to why you are not being advanced as quickly as you think you should be, based on your intelligence and contributions. Ask for feedback and use it. Maybe you have a chip on your shoulder and you don't realize it? Just saying.....

I have high blood sugar and I'm producing too much insulin, what foods should I avoid?

I'm going away to a camp for a week and I need to know what foods I should avoid and what foods I should eat. If you have a list or a general idea please let me know! I'm at high risk for diabetes.

Having problem with my Bluetooth that is a eco-v268 and I can't get my Samsung solstice to locate it.?

Having problem with my Bluetooth that is a eco-v268 and I can't get my Samsung solstice to locate it. Please help! tried everything. Turning on and off. blue tooth is activated on phone. Keep hitting search and it just keep saying can not locate device. This Bluetooth is designed supposedly especially for sgh-a887 model phones Pls help!

Middle School Drama.?

If they were true friends, they would believe you and not rumors, or lies. It seems as if they're not the people/friends you thought they were. Give them some time, and if they still believe the lies/rumors, they're not worth your time.

Metaformin problems plz help!!!!!?

Im after some help, im taking metaformin and im getting side effects that effect my daily living like constant headaches and tiredness but dont wanna go off metaformin because i got told that it helps pcos patients lose weight, controls insulin and may help you to ovulate. I really like the idea of this drug because i am overweight due to pcos im on the verge of diabetes and i really want to have baby..... i ovulate naturally once a year and when i do i always became pregnant but have lost my pregnancies due to miscarriages so im wondering if there is another drug out there that will do the same thing as metaformin???? My gyno wont give me any drug that is made for helping me ovulate because im overweight....i have been on a diet for a month now and havent lost weight either so is there a drug from doc that could assit me in losing weight???? Plz help me out.....


win this by picking an object that is worthless yet you can't live without and how everyone can see it differently

Am i Psychic?!? Pwease Help!?

Ok so there has been ALOT of these "coincidences" that keep happening to me..... for ex. this one morning after i finished my make up i looked in the mirror said to myself(yes i talk to myself =3=") "Hey! now im ready for picture day!" then i giggled bcuz i was kidding. then i said "though, knowing me it probably is picture day...." i said that bcuz this is when i had already suspected i was psychic. (NOTE: i NEVER EVER looked at the school picture date. EVER.) when i got to school i walked to my friend, Audrey, and said hi. then she told me she was nervous. i asked her why and she told me "Its picture day! duhh!!" and i said "rly?" and i think u kno wat happens next (she told me of course) so i told her wat i said to myself this morning and what happened. Thats just ONE of the "coincidences" thats happened to me. Another: My Friend Audrey(( XD again)) was spending the night at my house. i turned the channel to music video channel thingy and they wer playing Britteny Spears music. Then Audrey asks "Whos that?" so shot a look at her and sarcastically said "Its Madonna!" she then said "Oh... but it looks like Britteny Spears.." looking more closely at the tv. "Dude!" i think she than realized i was kidding cuz she said "i know i know!". ok now the creepy part about this is that the next music vid they played was MADONNA! we both looked at each other speechless.....and creeped out. Ok there is ALOT more i would tell yew about this kinda stuff but im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too lazy!!!! =3=" but i will tell you that this happens at the very least twice a day!!!!!!!!!!! So what do you think am i??? bai

When is attestation necessary in probate?

Thankyou for your reply, but having checked that as sole executor and beneficiary, the probate division of the Supreme Court, Sydney does not require Form 95. I have also located The Probate Office in Surry Hills, set up to help the public with probate.It's at 69 Reservoir Road. its not in the telephone book, and was only reach at

Why don't my kitchen lights turn off in a certain situation?

My kitchen spotlights can be controlled by two separate light switches located at opposite ends of the kitchen (2 entrances). Each light switch works fine independently meaning you can turn the light on and then turn it off at the same switch. The problem comes when you turn on the light at one switch and then try to turn if off at the other switch. When you try, the light flickers once but then remains on. This problem is in both directions, meaning either light switch will fail to turn off the light if it wasn't the one you originally turned on the light at. I hope I explained that clearly.

Help! Diabetic no insulin?

My boyfriend is a Diabetic, and we can't get insulin. He can not go to the hospital because the one that's near my house gives him the wrong insulin and just makes it worse. He left that hospital 3 times.. the first time he left his IV that he had in was COVERED in blood and my mom is a nurse and she was yelling at the nurse there to fix it but they did nothing so we left. Then the second time he waited for 6 hours till they gave him insulin he was so sick. and the third the doctor would not give him his lantus and he needs to take that. so he left again.. He take humalog and lantus. he has lantus but no humalog.. Could someone tell me where I could go to get some? right now He is sleeping because he is sick. He has been very careful about eating crabs and trying to save the last 12 units of humalog. We live in Tioga county PA.

Hair extensions????????? Help??????!!!!!?

Ok so it's almost prom and I wanna get some hair extensions to make my hair appear longer I need black or brown ones dark brown and like I want them to be 18 inches long and yeah can u tell me where to get them???? I live in arroyo grande zip: 93420 and I don't want them to be to pricy because their only for one day and I don't care if their fake or real but give me the name of the store and how much hey cost Plz and thank yew :)

Am I going against God's will by being alive? (Christians only please)?

Absolutely not. God gives life, and sin is death. Because we've sinned, there is sin in this world and in our bodies. It's because of Jesus, God puts our spirit in His Son so we become perfect in His sight. It's just now that we're on earth, we have to share that Gospel until our time is up~ live it up rejoicing!

How do you use the phone trcker on the htc inspire 4g?

i heard that the htc inspire has a app where if you loose your phone you can use a voice cammand or something like that for it to ring anf you can locate it. if this is true how do u set ir up or get it, it work?

Does caffeine affect your blood sugar?

i love soda and may be addicted and when i came home i had A diet dr.pepper and my blood sugar was 520!! i gae myself insulin but it isn't helping is it the caffeine?

I'm moving to Miami.... Help!?

I am a 21 year old male and I am moving to Miami Florida in January to go to Le Cordon Bleu Culinary school. It is located in the city of North Miami which I understand is a couple miles away from downtown and South Beach. I would like to live in the downtown or beach area where the nightlife is very good. I was wondering how the traffic would be commuting. Where the best place to live might be if I get a 1 bedroom apartment. Also I am an experienced bartender so I would be looking for a job doing that. Any information about living and working in Miami would be great. Thanks

03 ford explorer flasher relay located please?

i checked the owners manual. it says the fuse box is located on the reverse passanger side. i couldnt even find a fuse box on the passanger side at all. the only one i see is the one under the hood and under the steering colum an nether was the correct place. please if anyone knows please let me know asap thank you for ur time an have a good 4th =D

Where is the spleen?? i erupted my spleen when i was 9 and i felt the pain lower down how can this be?

when i was 9 i was riding my bike down a hill and i fell off and landed on my stomic and i was in so much pain then the next day i went to several hospitals and they didnt know what was wrong with me then i went to a huge city and they said i might have erupted my spleen so i had a cat scan and they said i had erupted it, so it was bleeding on the inside, i looked on the internet where the spleen is located and its up high it says? when i erupted my spleen the pain was low, like on the left side of my bladder, how can this be??? i definatly know i erupted my spleen so why was the pain so low down???

I want to end my life, but my religious beliefs are hampering my plans.?

I am a 37 year old male and I have a lot of problems with depression and anxiety. I attempted suicide 2 years ago and ended up in the mental ward of a hospital. I was put on lethium and other meds, but my problems have persisted. I have no family, my immediate family have all died, and because of my mental issues I have no other contacts, ie friends and such. It is hard for me to hold a job because of my anxiety attacks, and financially I am in trouble. I recently purchased some yew seeds which are lethal to humans and am contimplating eating them in order to end my life. I am religious and have read the bible looking for answers, I pray but I feel as if God never hears me. All that I try to do fails, it never works out, either I get sick or feel extremely nervous. I do not want to kill myself to get back at others or becasue of some sick revenge fantasy, I just want to end all my emotional and physical pain. I feel like a failure in life, like I have wasted my life. Each day it gets harder for me to find a reason to continue. I never realized what true lonliness was like until my father died leaving me alone. My father, mother, and brother have all passed on. I wonder why it is that God has allowed me to live when so much has been taken? 5 years ago I almost died from a infection I got that I had to have surgery for. I remember the day of the surgery and as they rolled me down to the operating room feeling for the first time complete peace in my life. The doctor had told me that there was a chance that i could die on the operating table because the infection had made me so weak and that it was very near my liver. I always wondered why did God not just take me then, why did He allow me to live? I am not writing this to get an ego boost, I just want to know if there are others out there that feel like I do? If there are I am hoping that I will not feel like I am so alone all the time. I appreciate your time. PS I know that many of you will say cling to God or seek medical help, but let me ask you this, if I do attept to kill myself and I succeed is that not a part of God's plan, does He not see all and know all? If my days are numbered like the hairs on my head, did God not know that this is how I was to die?

Shamanist or GOODD anser this plz or ppl practice witchcraft? 10 points?

What is shamanism about how do u practice what are philosophies quotes and purpose and anything else u can think of vice versa for ppl who practice witchcraft (((( GOODD I saw yur thiny said u practice shamanism for 11 yers if I can remember corectly if yer online anser this plz?)))) Thank yew and sorry for mispelled words

Friday, August 5, 2011

Where can I find a dog shelter that is located not far from HB? (92647)?

My family is trying to look for some dog shelters, where we can adopt a dog (White Lab). We already tried GoogleMaps and Animal Kingdom, but they don't have what we're looking for. If I could get some help, I would truly be grateful.

Should i sell my Saradomin Sword in Runescape to buy a Dragon 2h and lots of extra money.?

If you want to train your strength do not sell your sara sword because it is the best weapon to train strength with. If you want a dragon 2h you can just buy it as you have enough money to do so. Dragon 2h arent that good thought because they hit slow and buying a bandos godsword would be a better thing to do. Whip can't train strength so if you really don't want your sara sword you could sell it and buy a bandos godsword instead of a dragon 2h and then just buy a dragon scimitar to train your strength.

How to look scene with a regular girl hair style?

Okay so I love scene hair looks and I want to have it to but! ny parents will get all suspisouse (or How evr yew spell it) ^^ and think I'm going emo! So how would I go scene with out anyone really asking hahahaha :3

Runescape flipping, please help?

buy smaller items. Big items like claws,ags dont get flipped good,because everyone tries to merchant say u go for like 75 1m priced items(whips) or 150 500k(ranger amulets) priced items. you could make like 5m everytime u flip.

How can I sexually satisfy my wife?

I’m looking for advice on what I can do to satisfy my wife. Over the last two years we have been on a steep decline sexually. She says it’s her health issues coming between us. She is very over weight, is an insulin dependent diabetic, has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and depression issues. She has to take multiple medications for all of her conditions. In addition to that she’s twenty years older than me and a heavy smoker. She never initiates sex and rarely says yes and when she does consent there is absolutely no foreplay. She has even told me to hurry up on occasion. I don’t know what to do get us on track. I really want an intimate relationship with my wife and I want her to want me like I want her. What can I do to increase her desires? How can I please her?

I have a question about the grading system...?

That all depends..there are many variable which you failed to mention: are any of the courses weighted? Were some courses semester courses or were they entire year courses?

Would ingesting a tablespoon or two of sugar slowly over a day, for ten years, cause my metabolism to slow ...?

...or to speed up? Doesent sugar mess with insulin production and other stuff on a chemical level in the glands and such? How would it effect the figure, even if there are no excess daily calories from it...would it speed or slow the basal metabolism? I've been drinking coffee with cream and sugar daily for years now...I sip slowly, long after the coffee is cold, lol!

Can type 1 Diabetes/hyperglycemia cause vomiting?

I had DKA and I took a sip of water and threw it up in 5 seconds, I threw up for 24 hours straight. It got so bad I was throwing up acid and burned my throat so bad I was in ICU for 5 days, I could not keep anything down. That didn't used to happen but as with everything you change over time, so the answer to your question is YES

What's the most annoying thing people do on facebook?

posting crap on my wall about answering some retarded question about me. Like I care if they "think" I'm attractive, a good driver, or what ever.

We have had the same PO Box number for 17 years. As we are in a rural area, there is no usps delivery.?

You live on a rural route. You are going to have to call and talk to a real person. You will have to ship it USPS also.

Since I'm type 1 diabetec and cant enlist.?

What other options can I explore besides the military, since they wont let me be all I can be. Oh yeah, is there any way I can just lie about being a diabetic to sneak my way in. I use an insulin pump and am sure this could be done lol. Besides the military, is there any other options available. Most military careers lead to civilian careers which I cannot partake in such as cia,fbi, etc. My college GPA is only 2.3... sucks hardcore so I can't rely on that (I had too much fun in college). What the hell would you recommend? I wanted to join military intelligence, or become an officer out of college; I was sadly mistaken! :(

Does this count as losing your virginity.?

My boyfriend said that there was a time with an ex that she was completely naked, on top of him, and his dick was out. He claims she took his dick and thrusted onto it 2 or 3 time before he made her stop. He says he's still a virgin and it didn't count, but me and him did the same sort of thing where he only thrusted 2 or 3 times and pulled out, but he counts that as losing our virginity together... Thoughts?? Opinions?? Thank yew(: I'm not hung up on it just curious!(:

Im trying to lose some body fat?

,.. im not on a crazy diet or anything, i would just like to lose some fat before summer especially on my love handles (i want them gone -.-) and my thighs and a little big on my belly., i hate ALL sports. so thats out, i dont go out for runs or joggs because its all uphill, i do own just dance 2, will that work? and what are other ways to lose weight, other then diert, like excersises or something. and what foods should i especially stay away from? ... thank yew ^.^ <3 have a great day


like you said june 2 around corner.. try subliminal audios..go on youtube or PM me and I will send you a website for them.

Low carb high protein diet for lacto vegetarian?

Go and see a dietitian to get some proper advice so your eating properly. I would have thought your mum would be happy if you want to eat some eggs.

Magic Mushrooms in hamilton?

I'm curious to know where magic mushrooms are located most commonly , i am doing a bit of research about them... i know they grow in wet cold places, also in dung and wood Chipping's, please answer maturely .

Wholesale Products Los Angeles CA?

Hello I was wondering if anyone happens to know where Bonita shoe distributor is located in Los Angeles. Or where you can get whole sale shoes for a good price. Or if you their is a place where you can get a member ship and buy whole sale items for very cheap such as house cleaning products, shoes, lingerie.

Was ipecac discontinued?

i went to cv today and they said it was discontinued. does anyone know where i can get it? and dont start with the "omgz its so bad 4 yew" shut up i already know, i just really need it. thanks.

Where do fans get to line up to meet celebs at TCA and how early do people start lining up?

My friend and I are going to the Teen Choice Awards for the first time from Arizona so we want to be able to have a chance to meet celebs! What time do fans begin to arrive??Also, where exaclty is the red carpet located? By the trams of Universal Studios? Please be as specific as possible, we are familiar with the park area.

How much are carowind tickets!!!?

Me and my friends are planning to go 2 carowinds dis week but idk how much the tickets are like if yew want to ride all the rides isnt der like a bracelet yew kan wear like they do in the fair!!! LoL so can some one pleas answer my Question

Does anybody know a good method to get money on RS?

so i recently began playing runescape again, should i kill blue drags or do slayer.. my slayer level is low but i'd work my way up and all my combat skills are in the 70's.. what should i do for money i need it but not desperately i am going to get 99 wc and people say i should cut yews to 99 but i think it is slow and i'd rather do ivy so since i prefer the fast 99 what should i do for money?

Is this healthy / normal? If not, what should I do?

You would be amazed how much 20 minutes of excersise would do to alleviate your depression. I know it sounds funny and unrelated but they are a lot of studies that have shown it to be more effective than drugs such as Prozac. It would probably also help your diabetes.

Why do Democrat's think Obama is the one who got Bin Laden?

well....we all know that bush did not...he chose to redirect troops and equipment to Iraq, when Iraq was no threat to the United States.

Can a Type 1 Diabetic compete in power lifting competitions?

Okay, I am a Type 1 Insulin dependent diabetic, and I am very much into strength training and power lifting. I would like to eventually participate at some of the meets, but I don't know if I would be allowed since I take insulin on a daily basis. Any info on this would be much appreciated. Also, I know there are a LOT of federations, but I would like to focus on the "raw" ones that only allow knee wraps and wrist wraps, not denim shirts, etc..

Any new diabetes cures in the offing?

I heard about some experimental things like transplants of Islets of Langham in the liver and an odd one where insulin producing cells were put in a silicon casing sub dermally, a few years back. But nothing recently.

"I be at da park". Were black people right all along?

It has been the general consensus that the grammar in the phrase "I be at" is incorrect, but I am here to propose that black people have actually been correct all this time. "I be at" is actually the only way it can be said while using the verb "be" in any of its tense forms. Let me explain what this means. Every verb has a tense that fits the past-continuing tense form. Lets use the words "run", "jump", and "play". In the past tense these would be ran, jumped, and played, while the past tense of be would be was. The current form would be running, jumping, playing, and being. These are verbs and thus have a form for all the tenses. So how would one use the word "be" in the sentence "I (blank) at the park"? One could say "I am always at the park" or "I can generally and consistently be located at the park" etc, but these are completely different sentences with different words, and are not using the verb "be". Someone prosed that the form of "be" in this sentence should be "am" thus rendering the sentence as "i am at the park". The problem is that this phrase doesnt treat the word "am" as a verb nor does it denote that one is always or usually at the park, but rather presently. Furthermore, am is not used as a verb by evidence that "am-ing" is not a word, nor can a persom "am",while someone CAN "be", and be-ing IS a word. All of this, coupled with the next fact that verbs that are in past-continuing tenses, are spelled exactly the same way, meaning that the way you describe the fact that you "run" continuously is by saying "i run" as opposed to "i ran" denoting that you no longer run. So "jump" is rendered as " i jump ", "run" is denoted as "i run" etc, and ergo "be" would be "i be". I believe I have proven that black people had it right all along when using the wording "i be" to denote a past but continuing tense. "i be at the club" is the only way to use the verb "be" in this sentence.

I need help with some of the functions on my Wii?

I would like some advice on on-line play for the Wii. Is there on-line play with friends that are on-line with a Wii? What is the Mii mingle feature for and why can't I select it? How do I locate a friends Wii if he is on-line? Sorry, it really started out as one question in my head, I swear. Promise, ten pts for best answer.

Metformin clomid and pcos?

Ive had clomid before, didn't work but metformin helped but i started that for diabetes, The doctor will not give you anything which will harm you

Is playstation network gonna be up in tha usa today well tonite plzz help?

if yew quesssinq on ur answer dnt answer my question iwant tha rite exact time to get online soo i kan play call of duty black ops fuqkk

I need some entertaining manga/anime!?

Have you seen Clannad yet? It's slow-paced, but the production values are through the roof, and the finale of the second season is one of the most intense emotional rollercoasters in anime history, pulling off a happy ending at the very last moment. Absolutely not to be missed.

What do i do if i am sick and i am vomiting and nausea my sugar and pressure is out of control .?

i have high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes i take insulin and metformin 1000mg and lisinopril 5mg i have been to the er twice in one week thay give me a iv and seen me home so what can i do.

How high can yew jump until yew break yur leg?

LOL I'm trying to sneak out if my house but everyones downstairs, my only oter option is to like jump out of my window, no smaller roof, just a straight drop, idk how high it is, I'm 13yrs old and abot 101lbs, I drink milk everyday and it's the only thingi drink,I havehealthy bones ithink, so how high could I jump from?

Diabetes and the police?

can a person with insulin dependant diabetes become a police officer? my sugars are perfect and my fitness is good. will having diabetes stop me in the uk?

Where is the camshaft sensor on a 95 intrepid?

MY sis has a 95 dodge intrepid and the codes are are saying her camshaft sensor went control light came on no read 12 11 55.11 meaning camshaft sensor,so where on the engine is it located?its a 3.3,V6.and please be specific!

Which is worse for a Type 1 diabetic in the long term, Blood sugar fluctuations, or high blood sugar?

As a type 1 you're never going to be able to avoid the fluctuations completely. It's the extended highs or any of the lows that you need to be worried about.

My dog has diabetes.?

We just found out today, and we found it early so it hasn't effected him to bad. He's taking insulin now... but in the long run... will he be okay if we give him good diet and excercise?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What is a good runescape bot?

I was going to use epicbot but most people say epicbot hacked them so wat would be a good bot for runescape and i want one that doesnt bank just cuts yews

Should I be concerned with my friend?

He gives tours at a historic house in our town on the weekends. Lately he has been jacking in a closet located along the servant's staircase and was caught by the caretaker of the facility. Now he is very suicidal since he is embarrassed and blew his big chance to be on the board for the historic housing authority. What to do?

I need an idea/example of vertical integration?

No story of vertical integration is more famous than in the chicken business.It started from a small business of slaughter house.Then it organized most of the farmers in the best region of the country to join the same breeding,feeds and technology.It then set up its own feeding mill, and fried chicken restaurant.

Can someone help me locate the origin of a short-code text message?

My friend got a text message from "406001" and she wants to respond to it but she isn't getting anything back. She asked my help in finding out how to respond but wont tell me what the actual message said. So, to do that, I need to find out the origin of that first. Has anyone received a text from that number before?

Who can i report to if i found out my old landlord is living and renting the house that is not his?

my old landlord is living and renting rooms out in the house that dont even belong to him.It belongs to an old woman who is in a nursing home and is senile and have no kids. He is even using her cheques to buy things for himself and her bank account to pay for stuff.He is even putting ads online to try sell both the old woman's car in the garage. Where can i report this to if the house is located in the bronx?


Some beautiful things are love, family, friends, animals, landscapes, scenery, sunsets, flowers, etc. In other words all of the things God created. These things are beautiful because God created them and they display his power and creativity. That's one thing we all have in common, God made us and everything around us:) Hpe this helps and good luck with your presentation! :D

I'm 15 and thinking on moving from England to L.A at 17 - 18 . Advice/Help Please?

Wow. No offence but if you manage to make up the money to move ALL the way to Santa monica (not the cheapest place to live) then your a genius. I think you would have to build a hotel on the moon before you even have half the amount you need

Where is the best place to chop yews for banking in runescape?

If your a member definatly gnome stronghold. You have to do a couple of quest I think 1 most defiantly.

Life expectancy of type 1 diabetic?

i am doing a project on type 1 diabetes for health class so i need to know the life expectancy of a type 1 on insulin 2 times a day

How do you feel about Mr Lee Kwan Yew as a leader? And why do you think so?

He seems to be quite illusive on many issues, but he charms people into thinking he know what he is up too.

Would you try to save your relationship after receiving these messages?

Ignore Tara, she obviously thinks everything she does is right. You jumped to the wrong conclusion (and it appears to have happened before). Of course hes tired of it. No guy likes being accused of things he didnt do, and it does get old after awhile. If he talked to you so quickly, he still has feelings and was most likely just really angry at your actions. If you think you can keep the jumping to conclusions to a minimum, try again. Hes tallking to you so hes open to it. Get yourself in check first.

What are the names of some CHEAP stores on le Champs Elysees?

i know it is said to be one of the most expensive places in Paris but my French teacher told me there are also some cheap stores there with nice clothes and other objects :) do you know any names of the stores and/or where they are located there? :)

Need help applying for my business liscence in Ontario, Canada.?

Call 311 and ask them. Are you planning to operate the business from your home? Also check out Enterprise Toronto (see link).

Why is there little to no medical progress in these 2 areas?

In 1942 there was renal hemodialysis which could save the lives of patients with endstage renal disease but only at the cost of utterly destroying their quality of life. The same situation obtains today. In 1922 there was insulin to treat diabetes, but the treatment dosing was onerous and dangerous, and no amount of precision obtainable could prevent neurological and vascular complications and premature death. The situation is still the same today.

Need doctor to verify these results?

Looks like a bunch of bull to me, no offense but is that a real doctor you're going to? There's absolutely no way they can get all that information from one machine and I've never heard of this quantum resonance magnetic analyzer in an actual american medical school.

Squirting out blood after taking insulin?

I have never seen this happen-probably just touched a blood vessel. Maybe a previous stab site vented the pressure. \putting a compress on it is the right way to stop bleeding

Looking for the name of a book about a girl with diabetes and has a horse.?

I read a book when I was 12 about a girl who had diabetes and took insulin shots. She had a pet horse and rode alot. She was really tired of her diabetes and kept trying to give herself shots in the same places even though they were calloused over because it was less painful in those areas. I remember that she went riding on day for too long and passed out on her horse and was going in diabetic shock. I think the story went that her horse either got her home or went for help. I would have read this back in about 1978 or 79. Was a really good story.

Where is the crankshaft positioning sensor located on a 98 isuzu hombre?

I have to change out the crankshaft positioning sensor. My guess is behind the crank pulley, but I want to know for sure where it is located. Thanks

Pain in the upper arm for no reason?

I have been having some irritating pain in my upper arm. It's between my elbow and shoulder(mainly located near the bicep and a little bit downward). Anyone know what it could be? I don't lift weights or anything, so it couldn't be that. Could I be using my computer too much or something? All help is appreciated! Thanks!

Does this count as losing your virginity.?

My boyfriend said that there was a time with an ex that she was completely naked, on top of him, and his **** was out. He claims she took his **** and thrusted onto it 2 or 3 time before he made her stop. He says he's still a virgin and it didn't count, but me and him did the same sort of thing where he only thrusted 2 or 3 times and pulled out, but he counts that as losing our virginity together... Thoughts?? Opinions?? Thank yew(: I'm not hung up on it just curious!(:

Can i enlist in the military?

i am a 22 year old male with a high school diploma. i have a deformed right hand but am capable of shooting pistols, rifles, and shotguns with both hands. i have type 2 diabetes but do not need insulin or meds of it. i wear glasses but can see ok without them. i am in decent shape (i can do a 6 minute mile). i plead guilty to a first degree misdemeanor carrying a concealed weapon charge about a year ago. the question is can i enlist in the military and what MOS am i likely to get?

U.S Army Military Police?

What are the deployment lengths for military police officers? Where are all of the military police bases located at and can you request where you would like to be stationed at, if so, how does that work? As a military police officer, could you permanently become someone who trains soldiers of other military's and police forces as well as our own military police personnel? Can high ranking military police officers (Major and up) be able to have a lot of field work, if not, is there anything you can do to get more?

Cydia downloading help?

Whenever I try to download something it says in red "I wasnt able to locate the file for ...package. You might need to manually fis this package" whay do I do when this appears

How to worship la santa muerte or saint death?

My moms friend told me about her and I am interested so I would like tew kno how to worship her thank yew and sorry for spelling or grammar mistakes

Will starting Metformin again make me lose more weight?

So I started taking Metformin around this time last year to regulate my insulin levels. I didn't change my eating habits or exercise routine (which was pretty much nonexistent) but within the same month I started taking it, I dropped about thirty pounds. Well, after that month, my doctor took a pregnancy leave, and had someone fill in for her, and there was a misunderstanding, which resulted in the new doctor taking me off the Metformin. A year has passed, and I've maintained the weight loss, (by sheer luck) because I'm lazy as all get-out. I started taking Metformin again a few days ago, and I'm wondering if it will have the same effect on me, making me lose weight and such..Has anyone else experienced this dramatic weight loss effect in such a short amount of time while taking Metformin? If so, how much weight has the medicine made you lose?

How many yew logs per hour on Runescape?

I don't need exact so the level doesn't matter. I'm just looking for a rough estimate of how many yew logs you can cut per hour. Thanks. :D

On EpicBot for runescape, what is the best place to cut yew logs?

I have just gotten epicbot and i am looking forward to using it, but i would want to know where i should cut some yew logs down at. i have 72 woodcutting

How do you get over a dying animal?

i lost my cat natasha to cancer in 2009, and now her brother tommy has really bad diabetes. his eyes are starting to get cataracts, and he cant feel his feet. he has been on the insulin for about 5 days and he looks better after it....but he is 15 years old....i don't want to lose him also. hes the brother i never had.

Help wit dry scalp .!?

Okay well im 12 :// n i hav dry scalp and like i feel little red dots like one behind eAch ear and one in my forehead n thats where it itches :// n ive been usin dandruff shampoo supposly its like head and shoulders says in the shampoo well its realy weird n embrassasinqq bein wit frans n scratchin my head bvz i dnt want dem to think its lice or anythin n i want it to stop bcz i hate how it itches scratch one part n den eerywhere gets itchy please help mee wit good answers thank yew and i take showers not that hot

Money making in runescape?

I used to make most of my money on sharks as fishing is my highest skill. well, fish prices are plummeting with sharks under 400 now and idk what to do. I can barely afford to hunt for construction rocks now and am nearly broke. I have 80 wc so I could do yews I suppose but that is slow and yews are under 400 right now as well. I just want to clear a million to be able to get into my skilling again. Never was a mercher or flipper or whatever. I did try my luck once with uncut sapphs and made a few thousand but that makes me nervous. My cb is 97 and slayer is 70 so that is an option I suppose. Anyone have any good ideas for relatively fast moneymaking on rs?

Need help identifying coniferous tree!!!?

this coniferous tree is in central michigan. They are fairly tall and skinny in diameter. The trunk and branchs have sharp thorns on them. When the thorn punctured the skin it caused swelling of area, localized muscle pain, and stiffness of joint. These trees were also located near a small pond and their needles were dead and covering the ground, there didn't appear to be many needles on the trees themselves. Please help me identify!!!

I need help with this guy?

damn that's annoying to read. he might be messing with you if he already got a gf in a week. don't let him mess with your head.

In the state of texas what is the LEGAL age to leave home?

well when i was living in louisiana my bf came and pickd me up when my parents wernt home they soon found i was gone with my bf after the cops located me they took me to the police station an returnd me to my parents at that time i was 15 now we have moved to texas were i am originaly from and i am 16 i will be 17 in january. i want to know if i can have my bf come and pick me up when im 17 an take me to live with him at the age of 17 in texas can my parents force the law to bring me back? i know in sum states they will pick u up 1 time an after u return home if u leave again they wont do any thing about it what are my options can i leave whe im 17 in texas?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Had a 4-5 week ultrasound and..?

I am around 6 weeks pregnant, well will be in the next few days, about a week ago i went into the ER because i was cramping and had spotting (it was not severe just scared me because i had no spotting with my daughter) anyways they did an HCG test which came back nearly double from the labs my OB had done on me a day and half previous, and the Ultrasound located my Gesational sac in the right spot and measuring close to 5 weeks(which was correct) what I am wondering is that all they usually see on a scan that early. With my daughter i did not get an US until i was nearly 9 weeks.

Sims 3 Registration Code help?

Hello. I would like to register my game on the Sims 3 community site and as I do this it says I need a 'Serial Code'?? I do not know whether this is the registration code used for the game installation but that would be of no help anyway as I do not have the manual where I believe it is located. Could somebody help me by telling me where I could find the serial code on my computer? I found a very useful answer for this just recently but that must have been for an XP computer and it said 'RUN' which the Vista doesn't have. Also I think the layout must have been different as when I go into the sections it is talking about I cannot find the tabs. Please help :(

Where is the OBDII port in my Mazda Protege 99?

I can't find the port, I have read that it has to be located somewhere near to the stering wheel and the gauges but I can't see it.

Is it ok to disconnect my pump for longer than normal periods of time?

I wear an insulin pump and I was wondering if it is ok to disconnect it for longer periods of time when I wear some dresses? Right now I can only choose dresses that I can wear a bra with or something loose so i can wear spanx to hold it in place but there are times when I want to wear a bra-less tight dress but I have nowhere to put it. I am just worried about how to keep my blood sugars ok or if that's even a good idea and its just one more thing to sacrifice?

Runescape yew log price questions?

Store them cause they will shoot up in price due to the fact that when people start seeing that they are at a lower than average price they will buy like crazy then when they are High again sell sell sell.

How do yew know that yer truely inlove?

you think about them all the time when you sleep there inur dreams you get butterflys when there near you and you cant imagen life before them.

Survey: Who is the last person you know that died?

My friend's boyfriend Korrie, he died in his sleep on Halloween because he didn't take his insulin and he was diabetic but everyone thinks it was because of heroin :\ He was 21

What should I do for my puppet show (clothes/play/music)? Please help?

That's a pretty song. I would close my eyes and picture your own story to go along with the song. How does the song make you feel? What kind of story can you attach to that feeling? What character would be appropriate to the story? What would that character wear? You might also like Blonde Redhead if you want more songs. Good luck. I think it will be a lovely show. :)

PLEASE HELP!!Type 1 diabetic blood sugars keep dropping with no insulin :(?

This is something that you need to talk to your doctor about because your medication might need adjusted.I drink orange juice when my sugar drops to low and it makes it go up almost immediately.

Know of freeware that will rip, convert music to mp3's and other formats, and also burn?

I had software that did it but I had to reformat my hard drive and forgot to save the information. Now I've lost it and really need to find this. It was a really easy to use, software that I could choose to rip, burn, convert, or do all. Best of all it was totally freeware. I've googled it and can't locate it again. If you know of anything that will do this please respond. Thanks.

Is it better to wc magics to buy yew logs for fming or wc yews?

I play Runescape and i've got level 99 wcing. I am trying to get 99 firemaking. I need to know if it would be more benefiting to me to cut magics to sell for money to buy yews, or just woodcut yews to burn in the first place. Thanks ^_^

Someone give me a link to a good bot for Runescape?

I've tried epicbot and theirs not enough choices to cut yews at other then 3 places so will someone give me a good free site for a rs bot?

What colors bring out hazel/brown eyes?

my eyes are exactly the same! i use a cream color on my whole eyelid and a dark brown closer to the eyelashes for like a natural look and sometimes i use a dark/light purple and it brings out the more hazel color i guess

Does my mom have diabetes?

There are no other uses for insulin outside of a hospital setting. Why don't you tell your mom that you found these things and are concerned. There are things you need to know to help her in case she should ever get really sick and you can ask her how to help her now as well.

Human DNA vs Animal dna and other dna ?

We know how unique human dna is. Apparently animal dna is just as unique as human dna. For example if a rabid dog bites someone it would be possible to do a dna test on other dogs until you actually located the exact dog? true? Do birds and fish and plants have dna that is as unique as a human? Thanks in advance for any help.

Where is the best place for me to cut yews and the best world with the least amount of people on RuneScape.?

I have 99 woodcutting on RuneScape, and i would like to know the best place and best world to cut yews with the least amount of people. Please tell me a world thats f2p, or either p2p, but i would perfer f2p better since my membership ends soon!

I'm type 1 diabetic and 19 years old, How would I get a Insulin pump on NHS Scotland? :)?

I got diagnosed about 7 months ago, I'm wondering how I go about getting one. I know they are expensive so I was wondering if the NHS do them? if so how?

John Lennon Quotes for tattoo?

WHY! Why in the world would you want to get a tatoo. Tatoos stay on you FOREVER, and when you get old your going to look back at yourself and say why did I get this tatoo. It doesnt make you get a billion dollars or cure cancer or never get sick, so why get one. Its just a marking that really hurts to get. Please dont get one. You will never regret NOT getting one, so dont get one. It sounds fun and cool and better, but trust me, its not.

Hi, I'm Tommy Genitals. My diabetic cat continues living as though it was a diabetic, youthful puss?

How can I convince my cat, TabbySlacks, to quit eating chocolates and all of the rich sweeties I have lying around and take his insulin. He is extremely stubborn and I am concerned that he may succumb to his condition and force me to bury him in the wine cellar. Any suggestions?

Why does my urine smell?

Diabetes runs in my family. My grandma and grandpa and my mom all have it. None are insulin dependent. A few years ago my doctor told me I was on the verge of it, watch diet, and all that good stuff. I was almost 300 lbs then. I have since lost almost 100 lbs, and I am just not starting to get the symptoms of it. Sweet smelling urine, and when I haven't eaten I get grumpy, but who doesn't? My doctor cant answer why I am getting these symptoms NOW after LOSING weight, and I was fine when I was more overweight? Also, for years I was able to donate blood, but again since losing weight, my blood pressure has gone up, and so has my heart rate. Why am I so unhealthy now since losing the weight??

Does this count as losing your virginity.?

My boyfriend said that there was a time with an ex that she was completely naked, on top of him, and his dick was out. He claims she took his dick and thrusted onto it 2 or 3 time before he made her stop. He says he's still a virgin and it didn't count, but me and him did the same sort of thing where he only thrusted 2 or 3 times and pulled out, but he counts that as losing our virginity together... Thoughts?? Opinions?? Thank yew(: I'm not hung up on it just curious!(: